

Listen, write and earn
while writing reviews

Our world is changing; more jobs are going digital. That’s why we strongly believe curators, or music influencers, play a big role in this music industry. Generate passive income by reviewing songs.

Stand out from the crowd and choose songs you have never heard before, which will make your playlist as unique as you are.

Great features

and earn

We would call you simply “Music Influencers”. We know how hard is getting people following playlists. So thats why you deserve to get paid.


Payouts are made instantly. Start earning from $1 to $20 per review depending on the number of followers you have and how active your playlist is.

and Labels

Pick up new talented artists like singers, bands, producers, songwriters and composers waiting to get exposure and hopefully signed.


It’s important to help you in any case. We are here for you, and should get a respond on the same day.

Get more

Once you approve a song, get the artist to engage with the playlist, for example sharing on social media. Any artist you help, they could help you too.


When you’re away, choose this mode to pause submissions during that time. Simply to turn it off on your return and get started again.

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