
How to load or add Playlists

1. Create an account, it's the same account as an artist/label. Dashboard will change once you go to "Settings" and making sure, your Spotify user with the playlist is connected.

2. Now you should be able to see in the left side "Playlists" once you verified your email! This is important. Then you are able to see "Refresh Playlist" click on it once. Keep in mind this might take a while to load. give it few minutes it all depends on how many playlists you have.

If it was successful, get in touch with us via chat or email for approval. Please also provide if you have smaller list your social media account and any advertisement you do for the Playlists (screenshots of current running campaigns from Ads). You will not get automatically approved if your playlist has the status "Qualified" ONLY.  The activity and growth will be checked as well. 

If all requirements are met the lists will get approved, you should receive an email for every playlist which has been accepted including a welcome E-mail with further instructions.

4. MOST IMPORTANT! Delete the genres which does not apply to your playlist. This will avoid getting wrong songs. How? See here.

If you need additional support, chat with me, on the bottom right is a chat window :) or send an email.
For pitching into playlists please read the solution section or playlist campaigns. 

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